In what may be the first hit against bloggerazzi star Perez Hilton’s empire, his main webhost has dropped
After numerous warnings against Hilton’s (aka Mario Lavandeira) use of copyrighted celebrity images, the Oz-based Crucial Paradigm took the site off line; it was dark for a number of hours before it returned to the Internet with a different host.
Hilton is currently named in four lawsuits involving eight photo agencies for his alleged theft of photographs that appear on his site, one that’s been a popular gossip destination for some 2½ years. Hilton frequently adds his own captions to the shots.
“One of the things the (Crucial) administrator in Sydney had told us the day before was if they received any more notices — any claim of copyright infringement — the site is coming down immediately,” said Matt Lum, owner of Hoodlum Productions, the L.A.-based company that manages Hilton’s site. “The action was taken, in my opinion, to insure Crucial some sort of proof if they were sued, some way to protect themselves.”
Crucial Paradigm had no comment on the action.
Hilton’s site is up and running, albeit on less than full power.
“He has a skeleton or temporary situation where he can still post,” Lum explained. “It has limited inter-activity, his archives are not there and things like that. We’ve enabled him to continue to do what he does to a limited degree until we can figure how to handle the larger situation.”

[Via Variety]

Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.