MethodShop’s Mission
Founded in 1996, the mission of MethodShop is to entertain and inform our audience, introduce new ideas, and share content about Internet culture across the United States and the globe. To this end, MethodShop, produces and distributes tech and entertainment news, information, and other content that meet the highest standards in news and cultural expression.
Content Guiding Principles
MethodShop is at its core, a news and entertainment organization. Our content must attain the highest quality and strengthen our credibility. We take pride in our craft. Our content is as accurate, fair, and complete as possible. Our content creators conduct their work with honesty and respect, and they strive to be both independent and impartial in their efforts. Our methods are transparent, and we will be accountable for all we do.
Content Accuracy
We strive to create the best and most accurate content, especially when it comes to our tutorials. Diligent research, testing, and verification are all critical steps in our content creation process. We take great care to ensure that statements are accurate and verified.
MethodShop has no 3rd party owners or organizations pushing secret agendas on us. We are 100% independent and have been since we began operating back in 1996. Our only allegiance is to you, the public, our readers. Any corporate conflicts of interest would risk compromising our credibility. Therefore, we have none.
Additionally, under no circumstances do we skew our content to influence political outcomes. For example, our political articles discuss election advertising, the popularity of politicians on social media, or related news events. These articles are void of right or left opinions.
No one is perfect. Mistakes happen and we don’t let them stand. If our readers inform us of an error, it is corrected immediately. If we get something wrong, we’ll admit it, fix it and disclose the error to our readers.