A former MMA fighter named Paul “Bear” Vasquez, had his mind blown while witnessing what is admittedly an epic double rainbow in the sky in Yosemite National Park. By filming — with commentary — the natural wonder in front of him, he takes the viewer through a journey that has a full arc of its own. It might just cross your mind that other factors are in play (like, say, LSD … or, um, autoeroticism), but maybe he’s simply having a true spiritual experience. Really, really spiritual. Luckily for us, he decided to upload it to YouTube.
Double Rainbow… It’s So Intense!
In any event, the appeal of the Double Rainbow video spread like wildfire and “It’s so intense … but what does it mean?!” became part of the popular Internet junkie vernacular. With over 11 million hits since it went up just seven months ago, it’s fair to call the nameless, faceless hiker a living legend.
UPDATE: The Double Rainbow video now has over 44 million views on YouTube (June 2017).
Double Rainbow Gets Its Own Auto-Tune Song
In the world of viral video, no honor is so esteemed as earning the Auto-Tune treatment by The Gregory Brothers. In case you’ve never heard of “auto-tune”, it’s an application that will turn a speaking voice into an electronic melody (also popular with hip-hop radio hits and singers who can’t seem to carry a tune). Just like with Antoine Dodson’s Auto-Tuned song, the Double Rainbow video was destined to be remixed. And like any good “meme” (an Internet sensation that takes on a life of its own like the Sad Keanu Reeves Meme) Double Rainbow keeps getting better with time … and tweaks. Check out the Double Rainbow remix below:
Caroline Walker is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. She has worked in both the entertainment and the nonprofit sector. Walker holds a BA from the University of Southern California and an MA from New York University’s Gallatin School.
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