There are more and more Google Chromeextensions that are making their way through the Google Chrome store. They add functionality to Chrome in many ways. From utilities, to add-ons that help you work or play smarter. But sometimes you just want an extension that changes things up. Like your Google Plus or Facebook extensions. That is why there is Auto-Colorizer.
First of all, you need Google Chrome to run this. It won’t work in Firefox, IE, Safarior other browsers. Install the extension (link above) and simply go to your social network of choice. The colors on the page will determine the colors of your background.
At first, I wasn’t too keen on the extension. I want something where I can pick the colors. The scheme it chose for me looked horrible. But as it continued on, the color schemes got better. When someone’s post showed up, the colors changed – like a mood ring.
Pretty visually stimulating from the standard color background of these social networks. At least it’s not putting down Glitter GIF’s everywhere…
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As a podcaster, videographer and blogger, Jeffrey works to convey the geek message. Inspired and passionate about tech and geek life. As a musician, Jeffrey loves to rock the house.
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