Urine Powered Batteries
Before you flush the toilet, you might want to check the power level in your batteries. You could be flushing away a free source of energy. In 2005, …
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Before you flush the toilet, you might want to check the power level in your batteries. You could be flushing away a free source of energy. In 2005, …
This version of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons was an instant hit with both Howard Stern and Imagine Dragon fans.
Roseanne Barr claimed she was on Ambien when she sent out her racist tweets. In the days since the incident, a new sleep aid for racists has been …
Are you excited about the other iPod models or the new ear buds? Or was yesterday all about the iPhone 5?
What is it with the rash of new set-top boxes lately? One recent box brings the best of the Internet to your TV screen, like podcasts, Web videos and …
Born to rock any room, the Klipsch iGroove all-in-one iPod/MP3 speaker system delivers audiophile-quality sound anywhere, anytime. With its stunning …
In the Chinese Confusion phony phone by Sal Governale and Richard Christy from The Howard Stern Show, they successfully coordinate a two-way call …
Hold on to your remotes! Thanks to ATSC 3.0, in the next few years, TV technology will leapfrog the Internet and evolve into a new and incredible …
#1. A Major Head Case Margret Wegner underwent surgery in August to remove a pencil that had been stuck inside her head for 55 years. The German woman …
One generous donor couldn't live another day without knowing what's on the reality star's mind.
Picking perfect sizzle reel songs can be an exterminate difficult task. The music will serve as the main thread that holds the entire piece together. …
Wondering why your car insurance rates keep climbing even as inflation cools down? Here's why you're paying way more for auto insurance now.
Europeans test drove the iPhone alarm clock during their time change on Monday. Things did not match up.
Are you addicted to your smartphone? Looking for easy tips on how to reduce screen time? Have you tried changing screen your display from color to …
Radiohead is selling its newest album for whatever price point consumers feel they should pay for it. The Radiohead In Rainbows 10-track album will be …
Robert Shaw's character in Jaws, a surly old seaman named Quint, provides some of the best lines in the film. Here are the best Quint Jaws quotes from …