The Internet’s completely over. Or so says the artist formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince. In a bizarre 2010 interview with the UK’s The Mirror, Mr. 1999 himself said that he had no intention of releasing any more digital music or encouraging videos of himself to appear on YouTube. And because of his dislike for all things digital, his new record, 20TEN, will be released in CD format only. It will initially be distributed as an attachment in European magazines.
The Internet Isn’t Good For You
“The Internet’s completely over. … The Internet’s like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated.” Prince said in the Mirror interview. “All these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can’t be good for you.”
The Internet’s Completely Over
There you have it. The Internet’s completely over. The Interwebs are dead. Or, as Homer Simpson once eloquently said: “The Internet — is that thing still around?”
Caroline Walker is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. She has worked in both the entertainment and the nonprofit sector. Walker holds a BA from the University of Southern California and an MA from New York University’s Gallatin School.
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