Oops! CNN Apologizes To Barack Obama For “Obama Osama Typo”
Oops! Someone in CNN's graphics department screwed up and made a very embarrassing Obama Osama typo.
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Oops! Someone in CNN's graphics department screwed up and made a very embarrassing Obama Osama typo.
This past weekend, as Hurricane Gustav was threatening New Orleans, CNN reporter Rick Sanchez was using social media while broadcasting via …
Friday morning, a number of people jumped on an unverified report that showed up on CNN’s cit j channel iReport.com claiming—erroneously, as it …
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This video from a CNN helicopter in Canada of a family of ducks crossing highway will easily be the most intense thing you see all day.
CNN.com is finally realizing that nobody wants to pay for video online. It is abandoning its online video subscription service, Pipeline. Starting …
Every election, the news networks will try to dazzle viewers with new technologies and graphics that add a little eye candy to hours of dry election …
CNN has hired Fidel Castro’s estranged daughter Alina Fernandez as a network contributor. Fernandez, who criticized her father in the book …
MSNBC is the latest cable channel to go high def, announcing last Thursday at the Cable Show in Washington, D.C., that it will begin 1080i …
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“Good Morning America” has hired conservative radio and CNN Headline News talk-show host Glenn Beck as a contributor. Story continues …
NBC topped ABC and CBS in convention coverage on Monday, the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Denver. All three networks were live …
Here's the story on how the Weather Channel got the super-premium domain name Weather.com and how it grew into a major Internet destination.
In a sign of just how far politics on the Web has come, Google’s YouTube will co-sponsor the first of six Democratic Party-sanctioned debates of …
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According to writer Bill Scheft, a longtime friend of Richard Belzer, the actor "had lots of health issues, and Richard Belzer's last words were, …