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Do you binge podcasts like television shows on Netflix? Or spend your mornings listening to multiple podcasts while you jog or walk your dog(s)? If so, I’ve got a little secret that will help you power through your podcast queue even faster.
The ideal podcast playback speed is 1.25x.
I know, I know – it sounds crazy. Almost blasphemous, even. How can listening to chipmunk-sounding podcast hosts positively impact your experience? Well, stick with me here and I’ll make my case for listening to podcasts and audiobooks at faster speeds.
1.25x Podcast Playback Speed: It’s Faster, But Not Too Fast
Let’s address the “chipmunk” in the room first. Yes, 1.25x podcast playback speed is technically faster than normal. 2x is too fast. It sounds like a broken cassette tape. But at 1.25x, we’re only talking a ~20% acceleration here, so it’s virtually imperceptible to the human ear. Voices don’t distort at this pace. The conversation flows smoothly. You’ll still pick up every joke, anecdote, and pearl of wisdom being shared.
And while the speed increase is subtle, it does wonders for efficiency. Think of it this way – listening to a typical one hour podcast episode at 1.25x speed shaves 15 whole minutes off your time. Listen to ten episodes and you’ve just liberated two hours from your day… hours that can now be devoted to more podcast listening!
The Speed Reading Benefits Kick In
Research has shown that speed reading training can greatly accelerate reading comprehension. The same principles apply to podcasts. As your ears attune to 1.25x audio, your brain picks up the pace. You’ll find yourself effortlessly absorbing information as sentences and ideas fire off rapidly. It’s like a workout for auditory processing skills!
And we haven’t even talked about audiobooks yet. Oh, the audiobooks! Think about it – if most titles clock in around 10 hours long in standard speed, listening at 1.25x will slash that to about 8 hours.
10 hours / 1.25 = 8 hours
98% of People Don’t Adjust Their Podcast Speed Settings
If the productivity perks of listening faster aren’t enough reason to give 1.25x a try, how about the exclusive factor? Data from a Spotify report for Business Insider revealed a shocking 98.5% of users never adjust their podcast playback speed. They’re stuck listening at that tired old prehistoric 1x default.
By joining the elite 1.2x club, you tap into an enlightened class of audiophiles breezing through their audiobooks and podcast queues.
There’s No One-Speed-Fits-All Setting For Podcast Listeners
Of course, I don’t suggest forcing 1.25x speed on those not ready to handle the responsibility. If you’re listening to content in a non-native language, or have certain auditory issues, standard timing or even slower could be ideal. We all process speech differently.
But for podcast devotees eager to optimize their consumption, life at a 1.25x podcast playback speed awaits you. The benefits are too good to ignore – lightning fast information intake, and so much extra time. My advice? Embrace the 1.25x change and use the extra time you save to listen to more podcasts or do something else… like read a book.
The Speed That Will Change How You Listen to Podcasts: Why I Listen to All My Podcasts at 1.25x Speed and You Should Too ... #podcasts #podcasting #podcastlife #podcasttips Share on X
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