Why The FroliCat Laser Cat Toy Is My Cat’s New Favorite Toy
Feel guilty when you have to leave your cat at home by themselves all day? Not with the FroliCat Laser Cat Toy. Seriously, this is one of the best cat toys ever.
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Feel guilty when you have to leave your cat at home by themselves all day? Not with the FroliCat Laser Cat Toy. Seriously, this is one of the best cat toys ever.
Check out this DIY 3D printer that was created using LEGO bricks!
Here are links to immersive 360º Mars panoramas from both the Curiosity and Spirit rovers. Just load these links on your iPhone or iPad. No apps required. The Mars panoramas will work using Apple’s mobile Safari web browser. Spirit Rover: Mars Panorama Curiosity Rover: Mars Panorama You can also access the same links above on …
This short MethodShop tutorial will show you how to cancel PayPal subscriptions that are automatically being charged to your account.
Having a Husky in hot weather is no fun. It's up to us to help them stay cool in the summer. But has a Husky in refrigerator thought ever crossed your mind before?
MTV goes on the air August 1st, 1981. 30 years later, we look back on the historic moment.
This relationship guru's love advice is simple and makes perfect sense. Here are some industry secrets that The Professional Wingman was cool enough to share with MethodShop's readers...
The song, "Fairytale of New York" by The Pogues tells the sad and unfortunate tale about a guy spending Christmas Eve in the drunk tank in a New York City jail.
Are you tired of losing your Oreo cookies in your glass of milk? Do you want to dunk Oreo cookies in milk without getting your fingers wet? If so, then you need to try the Fork Method.
English teachers everywhere — get ready to embrace a whole new vocab. Gal pal, hashtag, lipstick lesbian, and tramp stamp among new words added to dictionary this year.
New optical illusion speed bumps, featuring a child playing in the street, are slowing drivers down, but also generating controversy.
Sunken treasure — deep sea divers strike it rich in liquid gold.
These teachers made out of metal. Welcome to Classroom 2.0 and the rise of robot teachers.
Can you carry a conversation in an online chatroom or texting exchange? Do you know AIM-speak, SMS language, chatroom lingo, txt, txtspk, texting language or txt talk? Do you know the difference between emoticons and emotions? No? Well you better learn it soon. Mobile texting will be a big part of your future so you …
The Diggnation podcast taped a live show in New York City and it was full of surprises including an appearance by Chris Hansen from the popular NBC News series To Catch A Predator.
Here's a step-by-step MethodShop tutorial on how to download video files off YouTube and convert them for an iPod or iPhone.
Malcolm Gladwell, the author of the book Tipping Point, gets inside the food industry’s pursuit of the perfect spaghetti sauce and makes a larger argument about the nature of choice and happiness. Via ted