For most people, being able to stretch and hold specific Yoga poses takes months, if not years of practice. For others, it just takes a night of hard partying and a liquid nap. This page of drunk yoga poses celebrates the latter.
From the Dolphin to the Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, here are the most popular drunk yoga poses performed effortlessly by passed out drunks. Enjoy!
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Savasana, also known as the “dead man’s pose” is a position of total relaxation. Because it’s so easy to perform, the Savasana is one of the most popular drunk yoga poses. Just try not to miss your stop when practicing this pose while riding mass transit.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
The Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, also known as the “bride pose,” calms the brain and rejuvenates tired legs. Beginners may want to use the help of an old wooden chair to help perfect their form with this drunken yoga pose.
The Marjaryasana pose provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs. Beginners may want to use the assistance of public park benches.
Get that butt up in the air! The Halasana, or the “plow pose” reduces backache and can help you fall asleep. It’s also a good opportunity to put a crick in your neck and air out sweaty socks.
The Dolphin pose opens the shoulders while strengthening the core, arms, and legs. The modified version demonstrated above (right) is commonly referred to as the “drunken dolphin” or simply, just a “face plant.”.
Balasana is a restful pose that can be sequenced in between more challenging drunk yoga poses. Feel free to practice while waiting for your bus.
The Salambhasana yoga pose is a great way to strengthen the back of your torso, legs, and arms in preparation for performing deeper backbends. Although a soft Yoga mat is preferred, broken concrete steps will work in a pinch.
Ananda Balasana
The Ananda Balasana gently brings a greater awareness to your hip joints, although it doesn’t always bring awareness to the dirt patch beneath you. Grab those toes!
The Malasana pose stretches the ankles, groin, and back torso. If your heels don’t reach the floor, then rest them on a folded blanket or a urine-soaked street curb. Bonus points if it’s not your own urine!
Laying Pigeon Pose
The Laying Pigeon Pose is a great way to stretch your legs, improve flexibility, and taste test the floor. Yum! Pass the salt, please!
Do You Know Any More Drunk Yoga Poses?
This list is far from complete. If you know of any other funny drunk yoga poses that we should add to this list then please let us know in the comments.
NERD NOTE: The Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings, and is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” meaning “to control,” “to yoke” or “to unite.” Translations include “joining,” “uniting,” “union,” “conjunction,” and “means.” It is also possible that the word yoga derives from “yujir samadhau,” which means “contemplation” or “absorption.” This translation fits better with the dualist Raja Yoga because it is through contemplation that discrimination between prakrti (nature) and purusha (pure consciousness) occurs.
Drunk Yoga Poses Performed Effortlessly By Drunk People — #DrunkYoga #YogaLife #DrunkLife Share on XFrank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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