Are you familiar with an animal called the Honey Badger? There is no other creature in the animal kingdom that is as fearless and crazy ass as the Honey Badger. These little mammals look like a fat skunk and are nasty as hell. They’ll eat whatever they want, even if it means getting bit by poisonous snakes or stung by thousands of bees.
Honey Badger Don’t Care! – The Honey Badger Video
Videos of Honey Badgers in action are just amazing to watch. But watch what happens when a YouTuber named “Randell” added his original narration to National Geographic footage of Honey Badgers. It was so good that his Honey Badger video became an Instant meme. Enjoy!
If this Honey Badger video gets taken down, just let us know. We’ll repost it. Sometimes YouTube will take down videos for a variety of silly reasons.
The Honey Badger Video Transcript
Randall’s narration is fantastic. In case you are curious, here’s a complete transcript of the Honey Badger video.
This Honey Badger don't care! He'll eat whatever he wants. Share on XThis is the honey badger. Watch it run in slow motion. It’s pretty bad-ass. Look, it runs all over the place. “Woah, watch out!” says that bird. Ew it’s got a snake? Oh, it’s chasing a jackal? Oh my gosh! Oh the honey badgers are just crazy! The honey badger’s been referred to by the Guinness Book of World Records as the most fearless animal in all the animal kingdom. It really doesn’t give a shit. If it’s hungry, it’s hungr-ew what’s that in its mouth! Oh it’s got a cobra? Oh it runs backwards? Now watch this, look, a snake’s up in a tree. Honey badger don’t care. Honey badger don’t give a shit, it just takes what it wants. Whenever it’s hungry it just- ew! And it eats the snakes. Oh my God watch it dig. Look at that digging. The honey badgers really pretty bad-ass. They have no regard for any other animal whatsoever. Look at him just grunting and- ew! Eating snakes! Ew what’s that, a mouse? Oh that’s nasty. Oh, they’re so nasty! Oo look! It’s chasing things, and eating them.
The honey badgers have a fairly long body, but a distinctly thick set, broad shoulders, and you know, their, their skin is loose, allowing them to move about freely, and they twist around. Now look, here’s a house full of bees. You think the honey badger cares? It doesn’t give a shit. It goes right in to the house to bees to get some larvae. How disgusting is that? It eats larvae. Ew, that’s so nasty. But look, the honey badger doesn’t care, it’s getting stung like a thousand times. It doesn’t give a shit, it just, it’s hungry. It doesn’t care about being stung by bees. Nothing can stop the honey badger when it’s hungry. Oh what a crazy fuck! Look! Ew, it’s eating larvae, that’s disgusting. There it is running in slow motion again. See, now what’s interesting is that other, other animals like these birds here the just like to wait around until the honey badgers done eating and then it swoops in to pick up the scraps. It says, “You do all the work for us honey badger and we’ll just eat whatever you find, how’s that? What do you say, stupid?” Look at this bird. “Thanks for the treat, stupid!” “Hey, come back here” says the honey badger. Birds don’t care, and you know what, the jackals do it, too. Look at these little dogs. They’re like, “Thanks, Stupid! Thanks for the mouse! See ya later!” The honey badger does all the work while these other animals just pick up the scraps.
At night time, the honey badger goes hunting, cuz it’s hungry. Look! Here comes a fierce battle between a king cobra and a honey badger. I wonder what will happen. Look at this, there’s the honey badger just eating a mouse. And then look. “Get away from me!” says the snake, “Get away from me!” Honey badger don’t care. Honey badger smacks the shit out of him. The snake comes back and it lashes right at the honey badger. Oh! Little does the honey badger know, FYI, it’s been stung! It’s been bitten by the snake, so while it’s eating the snake- ew, that’s disgusting- meanwhile the poisonous venom is seeping through the honey badgers body, and it passes out. Look at that sleepy fuck. Now the honey badgers just gonna pass out for a few minutes and then it’s gonna get right back up and start eating all over again, cuz it’s a hungry little bastard. Look at this! Like nothing even happened, the honey badger gets right back up and continues eating the cobra! How disgusting. And of course, what does a honey badger have to eat for the next few weeks? Cobra. The honey badger.
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Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
Rachel Conforti
I hate the bees!
Rachel Conforti
I hate the bees!
Terry Valdez
cute little badger