If you’ve spent anytime using digital technology to communicate with people, then you’ve probably seen or used some common chat abbreviations like LOL or OMG.
With hundreds of millions of people texting regularly, it’s no wonder you’ve seen this cryptic looking code! Commonly used wherever people get online, including texting and chat rooms, chat abbreviations help us communicate faster using less typing. There are tons of different technologies where you can use chat abbreviations including IM, SMS, message boards, dating sites, smartphone apps, games, newsgroup postings, chat rooms, blog comments, and social media to name a few.
List Of Chat Abbreviations
Since the early days of the Internet, chat acronyms have been an important part of Internet culture. If you don’t understand some of the more common chat abbreviations, then you better wake it up. If you don’t learn some of these chat abbreviations soon, the next time you get an instant message or SMS, you might not understand it. Worse yet, it might be from your Grandmother.
Think I’m overreacting? Well, ROTFL TAFN NRN L8R!
AAB | Average At Best | Abort at birth |
AFAIK | As far as I know | All faries are incredible knitters |
AFK | Away from keyboard | Anyone feeling kinky? |
AITR | Adult in the room | am i totally retarded? |
AKA | Also known as | |
ASAP | As soon as possible | |
ASL | Age, sex, location | Anal sex lovers |
B4 | Before | |
BAK | Back at keyboard | |
BARF | Big assed round female | barf? |
BBL | Be back later | Big breasted lady |
BBS | Be Back Soon | Big bald stud |
BBW | Big Bouncing Woman | |
BCNU | Be seeing you | |
BDG | Big d**ked guy | |
BFN | Bye for now | Big F***ing N**ger |
BOHIC | Bend over here it comes | |
BRB | Be right back | British rule Britian |
BRBack | Be Right Back | |
BSOD | Blue Screen of Death, a computer crash. | Big sloppy obease dork |
BTBB | Born yo Be Bad | |
BTDT | Been There Done That | Butt Turds Damn Tasty |
BTDT | Been There Done That | |
BTW | by the way | butts that wiggle |
BYOH | Bat you on the head | |
C2C | C**t to c**t | c**k to c**k |
CFV | Call for votes | |
CRS | Can’t remember s**t | |
CU | See you | Cornell University |
CUL | See you Later | |
CUL8R | See you later | |
DN | Dark Net (network of hacked, “Zombie” computers | |
DYJHIW | Don’t you just hate it when… | |
DYS? | Do you suck | |
EG | Evil grin | exempli gratia (Latin for “for example”) |
F&R | F**k and Run | |
F2F | Face to face | |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question | |
FFS | For F***ing Sake | |
FOAD | F*** off and Die | |
FUBAR | F***ed up beyond all recognition | |
FWIW | For what it’s worth | |
FYA | For your amusement | |
FYI | For your information | |
G | grin | |
GA | Go ahead | |
GBH | Great back hug | |
GBH&K | Great back hug & kiss | |
GILF | Girl I’d Like to F**k | |
gmta | Great minds think alike | gotta make turds again |
GR&D | Grinning, running & ducking | |
gtg | Got to go | going to grease-up |
H | Hug | |
HB | Hug back | |
HH | Holding hands | hairy hard-on |
HHOJ/K | Ha Ha, Only Joking/Kidding | |
HHOS | Ha Ha, Only Serious | |
HI-5 | high five | H.I.V. |
HIWTH | Hate it when that happens | |
IAE | In any event | |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer | im anal |
IBN | I’m Buck Naked! | I’ve been nutered |
IDK | I don’t know | |
iirc | If I recall correctly | is it really crusty |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion | in my hairy orifice |
IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion | in my not so hairy oriface |
IMO | in my opinion | In my orifice |
IOM | I Open Mouth (An invitation for cyber or real life oral sex) | |
IOW | In other words | |
IRL | In Real Life | |
IYKWIM | If you know what I mean | |
J/K | Just kidding | Jacking (As in masturbation) |
J/O | Jacking Off | |
JAM | Just a Minute | |
JASE | Just another system error | |
JB | Jail Bate (underage) | Jew Baiter (anti-semite who speaks publicly) |
K | ok | kiss |
KB | Kiss back | |
KIS | Keep it simple | kids in sin |
KOD | Kiss Of Death | |
KOF | Keep on Fu**ing | |
KOTC | Kiss on the cheek | |
L | laugh | |
L8R | later | |
l8ter | later | later |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off | |
LMIRL | Let’s Meet in Real Life | |
LOL | Laughs Out Loud | Licks on Labia |
LYLAB/S | Love You Like A Brother/Sister | |
MALWARE | MALicious SoftWARE | |
METH | Crystal methamphetamine | |
MILF | Mother I’d like to f**k | |
MORF | Male or female | |
MOTAS | Members of the appropriate sex | |
MOTOS | Members of the opposite sex | |
MOTSS | Members of the same sex | |
MUD | Multi User Dungeon | |
N2N | Not Tonight | |
NFW | No F***ing way | |
NIFOC | Naked in Front of Computer | |
NP | No problem | no pants |
nrn | No response necessary | need rusty noodles |
NRN | No reply necessary | |
NSN | Need Sex Now | |
OBER | Old big enormous rod | |
OBTW | Oh, by the way | |
OIC | Oh, I see | |
OMG | Old men’s goodies | |
OTOH | On the other hand | |
otp | On the phone | old tiny people |
OTT | Over the Top | |
PD | Public domain | |
PHAT | Pretty hot and tempting | fat |
PITA | Pain in the a** | |
PLOS | Parents looking over shoulder | |
PMFJI | Pardon me for jumping in (same as above) | |
PMJI | Pardon me, Jumping in (when you interrupt a conversation) | |
POS | Parents over shoulder | |
POTC | Peck on the cheek | |
PTL | Praise the Lord | |
RC | Recular Cut slang for Circumcised. | |
REHI | Hello again | |
RFD | Request for discussion | |
RMHB | Ride me hard baby | |
rotfl | Rolling on the floor laughing | really old turds float longer |
ROTFL | Rolling on the Floor Laughing (also ROFL) | |
ROTFLMAO | Roll on the floor laughing my a** off | |
RSN | Real soon now | |
RTFM | Read The F***ing Manual | |
RUOK | Are you OK? | |
S | Smile | |
SB | Smiles back | |
SIG | Shorthand for the NAZI salute, Sig Heil | |
SITD | Still in the dark | |
SNAFU | Situation normal, all F****ed up | |
SO | Significant other | |
SOL | S*** outta luck | |
SS | Nazi | Sword Swallower (a sexual reference) |
STFU | Shut the F*** Up | |
sup | what’s up? | sipping urine proudly |
SW | Shareware | |
SYD | So’s Your Dad | |
SYL | See you later | |
SYM | So’s your Mom | |
sys | See you soon | stupid? yes stupid |
tafn | That’s all for now | talk and fart normally |
TARFU | Things are really f***ed up | |
TGIF | Thank God it’s Friday | |
TIA | Thanks in advance | |
TIC | Tongue in cheek | |
TNX | Thanks | |
TNX 1.0E6 | Thanks a million | |
TTFN | Ta ta for now | Toupeees that feel natural |
TTFN | Ta Ta for Now | |
ttyl | Talk to you later | tiny terds yelling loudly |
TTYL | Talk to You Later | |
UFIA | Unsolicited Finger in the Anus | |
UFIP | Unsolicited Finger in the P***y | |
UFIU | Unsolicited Finger in the Urethra (Not actually possible, but a common Gay fantasy) | |
VEG | Very evil grin | |
VES | Very evil smile | |
VWG | Very wicked grin | |
VWS | Very wicked smile | |
W | Wink | |
WAREZ | Software that’s been stolen, illegal software | |
WG | Wicked grin | |
WRT | With regard to (also with respect to) | |
WTF | What the f**k | |
WTH | What the hell | |
WTHDTM | What the hell does that mean | |
X | Ecstasy | |
YAH / YAW | You’re a Whore | |
YKYBOTLW | You know you’ve been on-line too long when… | |
YR, Y/R | Yeah, Right | |
yt | You there? | yummy turtles |
Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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