In 2013, the Clemson University marching band performed a tribute to Nintendo at a football game. The halftime show honored classic Nintendo games, including Super Mario Bros. and Legend of Zelda. The band’s flawless execution even included authentic sound effects, capturing the essence of these beloved games for the audience. It was a huge hit and the performance went viral.
Clemson University Tiger Band Nintendo Tribute
Here’s a play-by-play of the Clemson University Tiger Band‘s incredible 9-minute tribute to Nintendo.
Nintendo Theme Song
Clemson Tigers Marching Band began by forming the shape of a Nintendo controller and then playing the Super Mario Bros. theme song.
Tribute To Mario
In honor of Nintendo’s most iconic character, the band then forms the shape of Mario’s head complete with mustache and little hat.
Then while playing Super Mario Bros. underground level theme music, they form the shape of the most pathetic video game villain of all time, Goomba the mushroom.
The Super Star Power Up
Next, the band plays Mario’s “Power Up” theme and forms the shape of the Super Star power up that makes players temporarily invulnerable to all damage, except to hazards that would normally be fatal, like lava or time-over.
Blooper & The Underwater Theme
The next shape is tough to figure out, but when the band starts playing the Super Mario Bros. underwater theme song, it’s obviously the squid character called Blooper.
Then the band forms the castle and flag at the end of every Super Mario Bros. level, complete with fireworks. The flag descent was a cute touch.
And just when you think it’s over, the band starts playing the Zelda theme song and forms the shape of the Triforce and Zelda complete with an animated sword swing.
Audience Confusion
The funniest part of this video is the people who recorded it. They didn’t know what was going on. Does anyone know what language they are speaking? Please leave a comment below.
Clemson Tigers Marching Band's Incredible Tribute To Everything Nintendo Share on XFrank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
the Ohio State Marching Band always puts on a great show.
all they were missing was Metroid
can you translate more?
It is Slavic for sure. It could be Russian.
Russian. They are saying how nice the Mario is, and how good the marching is too. Good job recognizing the language. J
The foreign language is awesome plus the guy that keeps zooming in on the dancers… haha. That’s pretty awesome. My all-time favorite marching band is still