4 Creative Ways Online Casinos Are Beating Their Real-Life Counterparts
Here are some of the most effective ways online casinos are bringing in more clients and improving their customer retention.
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Here are some of the most effective ways online casinos are bringing in more clients and improving their customer retention.
Are you having a tough time keeping your employees or coworkers happy and motivated? Bad morale can not only make coming to work depressing, but also result in low production and sloppy work. Here's a list of ways to boost employee morale and bring some fun back to the workplace.
Planning an office party is a lot more pressure than you might think. Screw it up, and you'll have to endure the criticism of your coworkers and boss for the rest of the year. Barring any scandalous disasters, the following tactics will help make sure that your party is remembered in a positive way.
It's a lot harder to find an example of a really bad website design on the Internet. But we have a bad example of a website to share: LibertyVan.com
The list of top Twitter users was once a collection of news, tech and social influencers. But now, it's just a pop star popularity contest.
If you stopped using Foursquare last year when it spun off most of its popular features, to a second app called Swarm, you weren't alone. But it looks like Mayorships, Foursquare's signature feature, is now back.
Feeling like your blog posts aren't getting the attention that they deserve? Here are some simple and free ways on how to promote your blog posts.
The Apple Watch has been on the market for almost a full month now. So what do consumers think of it so far? According to a new study by CrowdFlower, they aren’t very impressed. The most telling statistic from the “CrowdFlower Apple Watch Social Data Study” is that only 55% of Apple Watch consumers love …
Snapchat has had a quick rise to the top. Since it’s debut in 2011, the service has acquired an estimated 200+ million users. To help put that number in perspective, Twitter has 288 million users and launched back in 2006. Here are some fun facts, trivia items and incredible statistics about Snapchat: Snapchat Was a …
Although Pinterest hasn't seen the same explosive growth as social sites like Twitter and Facebook, it's growth is still very impressive. Although the visual content discovery site is extremely sticky with women, it has been plagued with difficult growth challenges with both male and international users. Here are 10 shocking Pinterest stats... the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Put a gallon of milk in your kitchen sink, turn on the water and grab the kids. Presto magic: You just created a forcefield. Try not to look down upon the mere mortals around you the rest of the day. Via Enrique Trevino (Vine)
Unfortunately, removing a connection on LinkedIn isn't as easy as "unfriending" or "unfollowing" someone. Here's how to quickly remove a LinkedIn connection in a few easy steps.
Do you remember what the world before social media was like? I do. Life was a lot simpler before the mid-2000s.
This escape artist cat named Chamallow is so smart that he can open his own cage door.
Have you hit Twitter's "Follow Limits"? Just want to do some account scrubbing? Here's how to bulk unfollow Twitter accounts with ManageFlitter.
An official Star Wars Instagram account launched yesterday with a Darth Vader selfie photo. The obviously Photoshopped picture appears to have an image from the opening scene from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope in the background.
Why has watching TV turned into an Olympic sport of remote hand-offs, app juggling and extension cord jumping? By the time I figure out the correct remote, toggle to the appropriate source and figure out which device and platform I need to be on, the precious time I took to veg out has escaped. No …