UPDATE: The owner of the @NRA_Rifleman Twitter handle deleted their account at 1:45 PM ET. 4 hours and 25 minutes after posting the tweet “Good morning, shooter. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?“
Talk about bad timing. A Twitter account named @NRA_Rifleman posted this controversial tweet just hours after the tragic Batman movie shooting in Colorado. The tweet lightheartedly asks gun aficionados to share their weekend plans. Unfortunately, the weekend plans of many people connected to the tragedy involve funerals and memorials.
Twitter Reacts to NRA Tweet
At the time of this screenshot, 293 people had responded to the @NRA_Rifleman Twitter account questioning the timing of this tweet: “Good morning, shooter. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?” Some of the outraged tweeters are listed here in this blog post below.
@nra_rifleman : GMS Happy Friday? The level of disconnect here would be appalling, if it were any other organization?
— Póg Mo Thóin (@DavidSlwGoliath) July 20, 2012
@davidslwgoliath @nra_riflemanworst timing ever
— Rob Cypher (@robcypher) July 20, 2012
@nra_rifleman account has been deleted. #theatershooting
— reed27 (@reed27) July 20, 2012
This tweet has since been deleted. Gee, wonder why. RT @nra_rifleman: Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?
— Jimmy Greenfield (@jcgreenx) July 20, 2012
What Do You Think?
Was this tweet insensitive, or is everyone just being overly sensitive after the #ColoradoShooting?
Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
Did you ever consider that the tweet in question was pre-programmed to go off at the date/time that it was tweeted? There are numerous programs available that will allow you to do that. I would think a large org like The NRA would use a program like that to manage social media. Additionally, how about some “fair” coverage on your part and why don’t you highlight the stupendously idiotic tweets from those on the left blaming every right wing person they can find for this incident? This incident had nothing to do with anything except one demented, twisted sod that decided to take the lives of as many people as possible. Nothing more – nothing less. Let’s leave the cowardly politics out of this…it’s tragic enough as it is!
Most all of you living in the US seem to be mad about guns. Don’t you understand that while there are such liberal laws as you have in your country, this sort of thing is bound to continue, and there are likely to be copycat incidents around the world? Your gun laws belong to a bygone era when people were perhaps hundreds of miles from any sort of lawman. They had to protect themselves as best they could. It’s high time you all came into the modern world. Unfortunately, while this law remains on the statute books, the NRA and other lunatic fringe groups will oppose its repeal. Politicans also would lose too many votes if they ever tried to change the this outdated law. Come to your senses all sane US citizens and repeal this stupid outdated law. Posted by a disappointed and sad UK resident.
this is a very polarizing story. we had a ton of tweets about this and thank you for sharing your comments.
good point. thank you for sharing.