Do you love both hip-hop and country music?? Of course not. Nobody does. Liking country hip hop songs is like watching Padme grind Darth Vader. It doesn’t make sense. But one thing everybody loves is YouTube train-wrecks. Speaking of train-wrecks…. say hello to Diane Horner. Her feet were made for country line dancing, but her shoulders were made for hip-hop. Apparently, Diane thought she’d make a quick buck teaching people hip hop dance moves during the country line dancing craze in the 1990s. She calls it Country Hip Hop. You can even “add your shoulders” if you want. That’s the “fun” thing about hip hop dancing.

Country Hip-Hop?
Guys in jean-shorts?! Country line dancing is just one of the many 1990s fads that I’m glad are over. It’s on the same list as guys in jean shorts, The Macarena, fanny packs and(Amazon link) Tickle Me Elmo. May the 1990s rest in peace. Hopefully, your parents aren’t in this video.
And for extra fun, here’s a Fatboy Slim remixed version of the Country Hip Hop.
Who Is Diane Horner?
Unless you are serious country line dancing fan, then you probably don’t know of Diane Horner. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, she released dozens of instructional VHS tapes to help people learn everything from Country Line Dance Aerobics to Country Dancing For Kids.

Strange Country Music Experiments
Hopefully, this foolish test between combining country music and hip hop ends here. I’m not sure I could handle further experiments like country rap, country trip hop or country gangsta rap. Hearing a famous country singer like Taylor Swift doing a redneck rap song just wouldn’t be fair to my eardrums.

Caroline Walker is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. She has worked in both the entertainment and the nonprofit sector. Walker holds a BA from the University of Southern California and an MA from New York University’s Gallatin School.
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