If you didn’t get an iPad in your stocking this year, it might have been because Santa was just looking out for you, holding off until the next generation hits shelves. (Hard to believe it was only a short year ago that the original blew our minds.) Will it have cameras, gyroscopes, wings? Mashable has a list of the top speculations; we have the nutshell breakdown for you here.
Analysts predict the following realistic expectations for iPad 2 — suspected to be released this spring:
- lighter
- slimmer
- better screen resolution (the better for movie-watching, woohoo!)
- smudge-proof
- better speakers
- gyroscope
- dual-core CPU processor
Don’t go putting your money on these long-shot dreams coming true.
- smaller (7-inch) size
- USB port
- flat back
What seems to be of most interest are rumors of three new options launching: one Wi-Fi only, one tailored for ATT service and one … wait for it … designed for Verizon’s 3G network.
I’ll believe it when I see it, Apple.
Photo courtesy of Yutaka Tsutano via Flickr.
Caroline Walker is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. She has worked in both the entertainment and the nonprofit sector. Walker holds a BA from the University of Southern California and an MA from New York University’s Gallatin School.
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