An iPad Maxi Pad case? How… fitting??? Yes, I was married to the word “tablet” and certainly did not expect an Apple branding suggestive of feminine hygiene products, but I’ve adjusted and almost forgotten the initial juvenile gross-out factor. Well, one innovative designer, presumably not concerned with profit but rather aesthetic appeal, created this sleek, ridiculous and comfortable casing with superior protection: the iMaxi ($25 at Amazon, $40 at Etsy).
And it’s got wings! Super soft, flappy, velcro wings. Suggestive of other bathroom-bound accessories — a toe-wound Band-Aid, for example, or a diaper-changing station — the protective, easily transportable design should not be mistaken for anything other than a glorious Maxi Pad. The “talented housewives” (their words) over at Hip Handmaids will suit your every whim! From the site: “We can even use red thread on the interior for that special…uh…’lived in’ look.”
I’m no prude but some things really do make me squeamish, and no $900 Supertoy from the future (aka the iPad) should be readily associated with menstrual blood. Yeah, I said it. Also, does it concern anyone else that the iPad needs a Maxi? What kind of heavy flow days are we talking here? Information flow, of course …
Those domestic divas over at Hip Handmaids do get points for ingenuity and a not-so-subtle jab at Apple’s marketing mishap, and to their credit, the iMaxi is a surefire way to get attention at the library or Internet cafe if you’re feeling lonely and ignored. Be bold! Show the world you just don’t care what it thinks of you!
“It’s the perfect one-of-a-kind embarrassing gift for the Apple geek in your life!” they say. Sure is.
Photo courtesy of HipHandmaids.

Caroline Walker is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. She has worked in both the entertainment and the nonprofit sector. Walker holds a BA from the University of Southern California and an MA from New York University’s Gallatin School.
The style of this iPad case is funny. I’ve never seen this kind of design before. So unique! 🙂