The Fine Brothers are 2 guys that have taken YouTube to a new level – Gaming. Think of it like those “Choose your own adventure” books from the 80’s. You watch to a point, then choose your path. It then takes you to a new video where you can get more choices.
There are many different games you can play – American Idol, 2010 Shooting Range, Lost – As well as the video “Kids react to YouTube Stars”. They watch things like Epic Meal Time, the Nyan Cat and more, then talk about it on camera. Finally, there is the 47 years of Dr. Who in 6 minutes. It’s a good catch-up for those of you who haven’t watched the show religiously.
In the opening scene of Saved By the Bell Interactive, Zack has to decide whether to help Kelly, Jesse or Screetch. You choose which one and follow along. The game is set like it was a popular 80’s NES game. Complete with an 8-bit music soundtrack.
The Fine Brothers really take their time to make these games. You can always go back and start over, too. With the American Idol game, you have to choose 3 of 6 judges – so there are multiple combinations (19, if I did my math correctly).
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As a podcaster, videographer and blogger, Jeffrey works to convey the geek message. Inspired and passionate about tech and geek life. As a musician, Jeffrey loves to rock the house.
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