A woman at a Los Angeles art gallery reportedly caused $200,000 in damage when she attempted to take a selfie and fell. Security video shows her crouching down to take the photo. She then loses her balance and falls causing a row of pedestals to fall like dominoes. It’s a selfie art gallery disaster.
Selfie Art Gallery Disaster
Here’s the security footage showing the incident. Watch the top right of the screen. After seeing photos of the beautiful art that was destroyed, this video is very hard to watch.
Here’s an Instagram photo of the exhibit. It was created by Hong Kong-based artist, Simon Birch, with Gloria Yu, Gabriel Chan and Jacob Blizter.
Selfie Friendly Art Gallery Exhibits?
The real irony here is the large spacious exhibit was designed to look great in selfie photos. The exhibit was even profiled by the Los Angeles Times in a May 2017 article titled “Oh, the selfies you’ll make at L.A.’s 14th Factory, where the art is so social.” The article highlighted the selfie-friendly and Instagram nature of the exhibits at the 14th Factory gallery and how they make for the “perfect selfie.”

Her Punishment Is Already All Over The Internet
Why Are We So “Selfie Stupid”?
Thousands of people die, get injured or cause massive damage every year from selfie-related incidents. Why do we get so clueless and lose all common sense when we take a selfie?

Urooj is a freelance writer of some repute, even if she says so herself. Her goal in life is to be published in every international magazine and visitor-load-weary website. She can be contacted at kaziurooj [at] gmail [dot] com.
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