Do you usually sleep less than the rest of your friends and family? Are you wondering if you are a member of the Sleepless Elite? Take this Sleepless Elite test and find out.
Sleepless Elite Meaning
Being a Sleepless Elite member means that you don’t require as much sleep as the average person. Even with only a few hours of sleep per night, members of Sleepless Elite are never tired.
About 1-3% of the global population are both naturally early risers and night owls. They only need 6 hours or less of sleep per day. They usually never use alarm clocks, sleep in late, or take naps. They stay up late, wake up early, and don’t have issues going to sleep or staying asleep.
Sleepless Elite Test: Am I Sleepless Elite? Take This Sleepless Elite Quiz To Find Out
Although this Sleepless Elite test isn’t scientifically approved, it will give you an excellent idea if you are a natural short sleeper or just suffering from chronic sleep deprivation.
Do you have an unsually high tolerance for physical pain?
People with Short Sleeper Syndrome usually have a much higher tolerance for pain. Some will even deny pain killers while having major dental work performed.
Do you always wake up refreshed and wide awake?
Are other members of your family short sleepers?
The Sleepless Elite gene (hDEC2) is often inherited. If you have a parent that is a short sleeper, then you are much more likely to be one too.
Do you ever nap during the day?
Members of the Sleepless Elite don't nap during the day.
Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?
Short sleepers don't usually have trouble falling asleep.
Are you upbeat, optimistic, and outgoing?
Most short sleepers have hypomania, a slight form of mania which typically consists of elation and hyperactivity. Common traits include a high-energy personality, optimism, natural multitaskers, and very upbeat and outgoing.
Do you sleep less during the week and longer on the weekends?
If you are sleep deprived, then your body will need to catch up on missing sleep. Short sleepers don't require this.
Do you always feel rested when you first wake up in the morning?
About one-third of US adults suffer from sleep deprivation and get less than the 7-8 hours of sleep they need. This chronic problem can lead to numerous health conditions.
How would you classify your body weight?
Most members of the Sleepless Elite are thin. Researchers don't know yet if this is because they all have fast metabolisms or if it's a result of their active lifestyles.
Do you like to sleep in?
Are you a night owl?
Short sleepers usually go to bed after midnight. They will use their extra time while others are sleeping to work on productive tasks. Common activities including writing books, working on side projects, or learning new skills.
Are you an early bird?
Short sleepers usually go to bed after midnight and wake up between 5-7 am without an alarm clock.
Do you normally wake up early without an alarm clock, even on weekends and vacations?
Do you have a high metabolism?
Metabolism is the chemical process of the human body to process nutrients and waste.
Do you like to hit snooze on your alarm?
Short sleepers naturally wake up before 7 am without the need for an alarm.
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Your Sleepless Elite Test Results
Were you surprised by your Sleepless Elite test results? Statistically, only a few people who think that they might be Sleepless Elite really are. The rest of us are just sleep-deprived and trying to hack our sleep cycles.
Famous Members Of The Sleepless Elite
While everyone else is asleep, what do members of the Sleepless Elite do while the rest of us are sleeping? Most short sleepers will use their extra time to be more productive, work on new projects, read books, learn new skills, start companies, and generally just get ahead of everyone else. With an extra 2-4 more hours per day, that’s like gifting yourself a couple of months of free time every year.
Even if you don’t personally know a member of the Sleepless Elite, you will probably recognize some of these notable personalities. Thomas Edison, Barack Obama, Martha Stewart, Nikola Tesla, Benjamin Franklin, Jay Leno, and Donald Trump, among others, are all members of the famous Sleepless Elite. They used their extra time to do things like excel in their careers, perfect their inventions, or outmaneuver their political opponents.
How Can I Become A Member Of The Sleepless Elite?
Unfortunately, becoming a member of the Sleepless Elite isn’t as easy as just buying a membership. You also can’t practice or train your body to get by with less sleep.
Being a short sleeper is genetic. You are either born with the Sleepless Elite gene (hDEC2) or not. If other members in your family are short sleepers, then your chances of having the Sleepless Elite gene are dramatically increased. But make sure you take the Sleepless Elite test.
However, someday scientists might be able to use gene therapy to make us all short sleepers. Researchers have already been able to replicate a Sleepless Elite gene mutation (hDEC2) in both mice and fruit flies. A world where we are all naturally short sleepers may only be a few generations away.
NERD NOTE: The hDEC2 Sleepless Elite gene was discovered in 2009 by Dr. Ying-Hui Fu at the University of California. He was able to isolate the hDEC2 gene variation in a mother-daughter pair of short sleepers.
Please Take The Sleepless Elite Test
If you haven’t already, please take the sleepless elite test and find out if you genuinely are a short sleeper or just suffering from sleep machismo. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, then please consider dropping $1 into our Beer Fund.
Sleepless Elite Quiz: Are You A Short Sleeper Or Just Sleep-Deprived? Take This Test And Find Out... #SleeplessElite #SleepCycle #Sleep #Sleepless Share on XRelated Articles:
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I’m a dog owner that loves poetry, vampires, mountain biking, and cosplay. I’m open to ideas and still trying to figure my SFO life out one blog post at a time. LF ISO SWF GSOH SI DDF.
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