Outspoken Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, has received fierce criticism on his comments about iPod users. The comments were made to a group of UK journalists in London.
“I don’t know what I said exactly, but it was baaaaad!”
So what did he say? Ballmer claims that the most common format of music on an iPod “stolen“.
Microsoft must obviously be upset about the success of the iPod and the non-success of their mp3 player called the Zune. Isn’t it enough already that Microsoft owns nearly 85% or more of the PC market as is in this world? Just as Apple once again outdoes its competitors (this time in the music market with the iPod), why must everyone try and bring down the good? I say “good” due to the overwhelmingly popular appeal for Apple’s iPod and iTunes Music Store (iTMS) companion. Apple will continue to dominate the music markets with both products and increasingly raise the bar for competitors such as Microsoft when improving these products much like Apple recently did with its newest generation of iPod creations.
When competitors such as Microsoft are losing in their domination of all consumer electronics (which they are with digital music targets), it’s amazing how the greed shows in the eyes of its management. Steve Ballmer’s negative iPod comments are just one example of this. Why must Microsoft seize our every digital companion, make our lives so proprietary, and not just fess up to their incompetence? Just license the iPod and give it up Microsoft, just ask HP if you’re confused 😉

Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
haters gonna hate