If you “Like” MethodShop on Facebook, then you’ve probably already seen our “Superfan” feature in action. A few times a month, we single out some individuals in the MethodShop community for being awesome. Superfans get interviewed for our blog and their photo featured in our Facebook profile. There’s no official entry process. Just “Like” us on Facebook, tweet us, leave blog comments and engage. If you standout from the average reader, we’ll notice.
Please say hello to the latest MethodShop Superfan: Chemistry Teacher and my sister, Antonietta McGoey…
How did you first find out about MethodShop?
My sister, Giacinta Pace, told me about it. I said to myself, “Hey, I’m terrible at picking the right gadget (and at the right time.)” So, I started following them.
Do you know why your were chosen to be a MethodShop Superfan?
I suppose it’s because I used the [Facebook] wall to come clean about my addiction to my iPhone.
What is your favorite MethodShop article and why?
I’d have to say the one about Joel Dovev’s new book: Crap at my Parents’ House. Because, not only do I know Joel & have also worked at The National Yiddish Theatre, I feel like I’m already garnering enough stuff to write the sequel: Crap at MY House!
Describe MethodShop in 5 words or less?
A place to understand technology!
What are some of your favorite tech gadgets and why?
My iPhone! Because it is my remote control for life!
My iPad! Because it’s a great learning tool for my 4 year old step son. He can now read what the word “Free” is in the App Store & can tell if the app is loading or not! God help me if he figures out my iTunes password!
My Nook! Because it gives me the chance to catch up on my reading (leisure & professional) during my 2.5 hour commute (each way!). I don’t have to lug a heavy book around anymore. I wish they had textbooks on it already.
You are a New York City high school teacher, what do you like and hate most about being a teacher?
I love being able to effectively explain something as difficult as Chemistry to kids who are afraid of the subject. I also love being able to encourage kids to learn & to learn from them.
I hate when students don’t pay attention and therefore repeat questions that have been asked several times in the same class period. It’s so … disheartening.
Tell us something about yourself that your friends reading this right now won’t already know.
I opted to pay extra to keep both Netflix streaming & DVD rentals. Don’t hate me because I’m afraid to try Hulu.
Please complete this sentence…I want everyone reading this to…“be excellent to each other and…PARTY ON DUDES!” [From The Movie Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure]
Related Articles:
- Building a Community with Superfans (case.typepad.com)
- MethodShop Superfan: Chemistry Teacher Antonietta Pace [interview] (methodshop.com)
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