One of the least favorite jobs for all newborn parents is the dreaded late-night diaper change. Here’s a way to cheer up your partner. Surprise them with one of these funny diaper messages. You can either use a Sharpie pen to write on the outside of the clean diaper or use a Post-It note. These funny midnight messages are sure to make your partner smile the next time it’s their turn to change your baby.
85 Funny Diaper Messages That Will Make Parents Laugh Share on XFunny Diaper Messages
- Are you looking at my butt?
- Beware Sprinkler!
- Caution: Open at your own risk!
- By reading this message, you agree to change one diaper.
- Code Brown!
- Cute but stinky
- Houston, we have a problem!
- Do not test with your finger.
- Made in _________. (Replace with a location like a city, state or country)
- Do you smell something?
- Does it smell in here, or is it just me?
- Don’t open until Christmas.
- Enjoy me, I’ll grow up fast!
- Fart Man / Fart Woman
- Go get a nose plug! This baby girl stinks!
- Forget the wipes. Go turn on the shower.
- Go get a spatula. I’ll wait.
- How long can you hold your breath?
- Good Luck!
- Guess who made you a present?
- Hazardous Waste. Mask Required.
- Hey mommy, I’m full again!
- Here we are again!
- HINT: It’s Poop!
- Hold your breath for this one.
- If you think this diaper makes my butt look big, it is time to change it.
- I ❤️ you!
- I pooped!
- iPooped
- I think I went #3
- I’m a stinker.
- Is it supposed to be that color?
- Isn’t this fun?!
- Warning: Toxic
- Radioactive waste inside
- Just wait till I start eating solids.
- Keep calm and change this diaper.
- Don’t give me that look; you were here once.
- Mommy’s turn!
- It’s Dad’s turn!
- Mud Butt
- Only 4,000 more before I’m potty trained.
- Oops, I did it again.
- Open at your own risk!
- Overload In Progress
- Poo Alert!
- Poo Happens
- Today’s Menu: Poppy Diaper Cake 💩
- Poop loading ⌛
- Poop! There it is!
- Roses are red. Violets are Blue. Will this have Pee, or will this have Poo?
- To pee or not to pee?
- Scratch & Sniff
- So many diapers, so little time.
- Real babies do it in their diapers.
- Sleep is for the weak.
- Someday I shall sleep through the night.
- Smile! It’s 2 AM!
- Great sleep! How ’bout you?
- Surprise inside!
- Bomb’s Away!
- This ain’t going to change itself.
- This end up ⬆️
- This poo shall pass.
- Uh Oh!
- Gas Mask Required
- Hazardous Waste. Gas Mask Required.
- Warning: Contents under pressure.
- What goes in, must come out.
- What the hell do you feed me?
- You can do this!
- One down, hundreds to go!
- I drink until I pass out.
- You’re #1, but this is a #2!
- 3 AM party in my crib. Be there.
- Game over. I won!
- The dog did it!
- Go big or go home.
- Oopsie! This onesie is now a poopsie.
- I think I just set a world record.
- 3-2-1… Diaper Explosion!
- It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.
- Smile! You’re on Dirty Jobs!
- Just think… one day it will be my turn to change your diaper.
Clever Baby Shower Idea: Funny Diaper Messages And Notes Of Encouragement For The Parents
If you have a girlfriend that’s pregnant, then these late-night diaper messages can also make great centerpiece decorations, baby shower invitations, and even a fun baby shower game at your next baby shower.
For the DIY centerpiece, just arrange a stack of note cards, decorative tape, markers, and clean diapers on a table like this. Then invite the baby shower party guests to write some funny diaper messages or their best wishes for the new parents. It’s up to you, but the guests can either write their notes on the cards or directly on diapers if you want. Just make sure that you have a few packs of colored Sharpie markers ($9+ on Amazon) next to your diaper centerpiece.
Then make a nice sign next to the stack of diapers with this clever poem for new parents called the “Words for the Wee Hours” that will encourage party guests to check out your display:
A word of encouragement, a chuckle or two.
Give the new mom and dad, a note just from you.
Pick up a diaper and write on the booty,
Something to take, their mind off the doody.
Every time that the parents use one of the diapers from the baby shower activity, they will read the funny diaper sayings and smile. It’s an excellent baby shower gift idea for the mom-to-be that new parents will enjoy for days or weeks to come. After all, we all can use some words of encouragement and a good laugh, especially while working the late-night diaper shift. I can remember more than a few times when I was completely exhausted and had to deal with a messy diaper explosion.
No one wants to change a diaper, especially a messy stinky one. But think of it this way, changing your new baby’s diaper is a bonding opportunity. Sometimes it’s a dirty job, but a clean diaper makes everyone happy and your baby can sense that. These funny diaper messages will help you smile through the stink and share some positive vibes with your spouse and baby at the same time. Just remember, the diaper months are temporary and you’ll be potty training your child in no time. All of these diaper changes in the middle of the night will soon be a distant memory.
More Funny Diaper Messages?
What do you think? Is there a way to turn these funny diaper messages into baby shower favors? Can you think of any more funny diaper messages? If you have a good one that we should add to this article, then please share it in the comments. Thanks for reading and good luck!
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best one: opsie! This onesie is now a poopsie.
I wanted to buy adult diaper for my Grandpa who has been facing severe incontinence issues lately. I will write some of these funny diaper messages on his diapers.
lol poopsie