Was Santa Claus or Hanukkah Harry stingy with your holiday gifts? A ton of awesome iPad and iPhone accessories hit the market right before the holidays. Here are 10 gifts you wish you got as Christmas or Hanukkah gifts last month.
01) Iris 9000
The Siri on your new iPhone 4S is delightful, but leaves you wanting more. Sure, she can schedule appointments, answer inane trivia questions, and make funny quips, but can she respond to you from across the room? The Iris 9000 Voice Control Module ($60.00) was created to be the woman Siri can’t.
02) Upstand
Grab the UpStand ($45.00) from Just Mobile. With its sleek, aluminum design and rubberized supporting grips, the UpStand is a nifty addition to your desktop, floating your iPad at the perfect height, while still in perfect range for working with a Bluetooth keyboard.
03) iVictrola iPhone Phonograph
The iPhone and the Victrola, otherwise known as the iVictrola ($425), coming to a parlor room near you. NYC designer Matt Richmond has merged centuries of musical listening enjoyment into one vintage yet modern device.
04) Cassette Tape iPhone Cover & Case
The resilient soft Silicone Cassette Tape Sleeve ($5.00) keeps your phone nice and insulated, and the clear outer case it comes with makes for an ideal stand for you to prop up your phone and watch “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” Again…
05) iCade Arcade Cabinet
The iCade Arcade Cabinet ($100) converts your iPad into the screen for an old school Atari game, retro joystick/ buttons and all. You can download all your favorite games through the App Store and relive your fourth-grade pizza-parlor glory.
06) Rover Spy Tank
Send out your Rover Spy Tank ($150). Controlled by apps on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you can steer this audio/video-enabled, picture-taking tank safely into the other room for up to 200 feet (100 around walls) to go investigate by its lonesome. Its built-in microphone transmits sound back to you, and its camera streams live videos too.
07) iTar iPad Guitar 9000
The iTar iPad Guitar ($200) turns your iPad into a serious axe to grind. The iTar case and fretboard from Starr Labs connects to your iPad, transforming it into a full-fledged electronic guitar.
08) Jackpot Slots iPad 9000
Pick up the new Jackpot Slots ($29.00) from New Potato Technologies. This slick docking station transforms your iPad or iPhone into a real Vegas-style slot machine, complete with one-armed bandit knob. After installing the free gaming app, you can win actual physical prizes from New Potato.
09) iRetro Phone iPhone Dock
Flouting the last 25 years of telecommunication advances is the iRetrophone ($195.00+). Hand-sculpted and hand-cast in urethane resin, the iRetrophone is a fully functional iPhone dock with a working handset that allows you to hearken back to the olden days when phones had cords and being a milkman was still a viable profession.
10) Bluelounge Minidock 9000
The MiniDock from Bluelounge ($20.00) keeps your phone up and out of harm’s way. It sits upright in the MiniDock while it charges directly into the wall socket and frees up tabletop and counter space.
How Was Our iPhone & iPad Gift List?
Thanks again to our friends at Headlines & Heroes for contributing to this post. What did you think of our list of iPhone and iPad gifts? Have any other product suggestions to add? Please leave a note in the comments section.

Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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