Every day, YouTube stars are born. Charlie from “Charlie Bit Me!” and the “double rainbow!” dude. Spaghetti Cat and Antoine Dodson. But what of the millions of unseen, unsung YouTube stars who’ve been buried in the mix, lost in the sea of voyeuristic talent? We sorted through countless YouTube videos with zero views looking for a diamond in the rough. Did we find some gems, go slightly crazy or a little of both?
YouTube Videos With Zero Views
Never fear, Zero Views is here!! Sifting out those uploads that have literally gotten zero hits, the site makes sure that (a) the little guy gets a little boost and (b) the rest of us can ogle at just how boring some people can be. Damon Brown over at CNN tipped me off, claiming in his article that “Zero Views democratizes the online platform.” In juxtaposition with YouTube’s “Most Viewed” selections, now we can feel secure that both ends of the bell curve are fully featured and appreciated.
I just scoured the site searching for a hidden diamond in the rough to entrance you. After weeding through confessionals, homemade music videos, puppet shows and spoken word, however, I was beginning to think it was time to give up.
Then I discovered ClaudioTheOwl and his message to SebastianMaker7. Do not expect hilarity so much as oh-my-god-I-wish-this-kid-was-my-bff!!! Redirecting to the YouTube page, I discovered that the gem now has 6,542 views … no doubt in part due to Zero View’s boost.
“I’ll miss that Umbreon-like cat. He was nice to hang around. Tomorrow, whatever will happen, I’ll try and cheer you up. WHATEVER I can do!”
ClaudioTheOwl has 158 uploaded videos on his YouTube channel. I’m going under. New #1 fan.

Caroline Walker is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. She has worked in both the entertainment and the nonprofit sector. Walker holds a BA from the University of Southern California and an MA from New York University’s Gallatin School.
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