Dogs are loyal and dedicated companions who keep us safe, help those in need and give of love. In their honor, we celebrate National Dog Day every year on August 26th. Here are some awesome videos to watch as you celebrate National Dog Day this year.
01) The Hero Dogs of 9/11
2,977 victims lost their lives in America on September 11, 2001. The Flight 93 crash site, Pentagon, and World Trade Center were all horrific scenes with mass casualties. But the World Trade Center, in particular, was a very toxic and dangerous environment. Rescue dogs searched day and night after the 9/11 terrorist attacks for survivors. And when there was no one else left to rescue, they then helped recover remains. As a result, these rescue dogs suffered many of the same health complications as the rescue workers. Many of them passed away a short time afterward.
02) Dogs Are Awesome Video
Your dog is capable of doing more than you even realize. This video complication features dogs doing awesome things like climbing trees, fighting sharks, riding lawn mowers, performing skateboard tricks and much more.
03) Sled Dogs Cuddle With Wild Polar Bear
These sled dogs and their owner got a pleasant surprise when a polar bear came to visit them. Everyone needs a hug once in a while. Even polar bears. Watching these sled dogs give a polar bear a hug is an incredible sight.
04) Dachshund vs Roman Candle
This adorable Dachshund just wants to play with a stick. Unfortunately for everyone nearby, this Dachshund’s “stick” is a lit Roman Candle firecracker. The Dachshund is oblivious of the balls of fire that it’s shooting at everyone as it runs around the yard.
05) A Dog’s Devotion To Dead Owner
Wayne Giroux passed away 5 months ago after being hit by a drunk driver. But his dog’s devotion lives on. His dog Spot still waits for Wayne to come home at the end of the driveway… every day. Grab some tissues before you press play. This video is a tear-jerker.
Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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