Want an iPod or iPhone with more storage? Make a DIY iPod. Just open up iTunes, grab some headphones and stuff your laptop down your pants like this guy! We can’t wait to see his solution to the iPad! Think he can stick a whole TV in his waistband?
DIY iPod!?
What do you think about this creative DIY solution to the iPod? Tell us in the comments. Personally, I think stuffing a laptop down your waistband probably isn’t a good idea. Especially since their batteries sometimes explode. But neither is cooking bacon while topless. Come on, dude. Hot grease on bare skin hurts. Put on a shirt!
Photo via dinot801
Caroline Walker is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer and editor. She has worked in both the entertainment and the nonprofit sector. Walker holds a BA from the University of Southern California and an MA from New York University’s Gallatin School.
ipod on crack lol literally
is he cooking a bowl full of bacon?
That laptop’s gotta stink.