The Ghostbusters are back in the upcoming sequel, “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.” In this frosty installment, New York City becomes the battleground for a bone-chilling face-off against supernatural forces. As the mercury plummets and the specters rise, Ghostbusters old and new unite to save the world from a second Ice Age. Hold onto your proton packs: here’s the official Ghostbusters Frozen Empire trailer.
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Trailer
According to the official synopsis, the Spengler family’s life takes a frosty turn when the discovery of an ancient artifact unleashes an evil force, prompting Ghostbusters, both seasoned and rookie, to join forces. The trailer, released by Sony, paints a picturesque New York summer swiftly morphing into an icy landscape, setting the stage for a new ghost-busting adventure.
The Return Of Our Beloved Proton Heroes
“Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” welcomes back actor Paul Rudd, leading a motley crew of new Ghostbusters against supernatural forces, known as the Death Chill.
The sequel marks the return of the Spengler family, portrayed by Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard, and Mckenna Grace. But that’s not all – original Ghostbusters legends Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson all reprise their roles, adding a nostalgic touch that will send shivers down the spines of Ghostbuster fans.
Supernatural Cameos And New Cast Additions
The trailer unveils not only the return of classic Ghostbusters stars but also introduces new additions to the ensemble. Comedians Kumail Nanjiani and Patton Oswalt, along with James Acaster, join the cast, promising a blend of laughter and spectral scares.
As the Ghostbusters universe expands, the anticipation builds for an unforgettable frozen adventure.
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Release Date
Mark your calendars for March 29, 2024, as Sony Pictures prepares to unleash “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” upon eager audiences. The fifth installment in the franchise promises to be a frosty spectacle, blending humor, nostalgia, and supernatural thrills.
As we brace ourselves for the upcoming frosty adventure, it’s clear that the Ghostbusters legacy is as unkillable as the ghosts they bust. Stay frosty, Ghostbusters fans, for the ice is about to meet the ectoplasmic.
Frozen Frights and Proton Delights: Ghostbusters return in new movie Ghostbusters Frozen Empire #Ghostbusters #GhostbustersMovie #GhostbustersFans #GhostbustersFrozenEmpire #DeathChill Share on XFrank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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