Have you ever wondered what the iconic 1995 animated film Toy Story would look like in real life? The Live-Action Toy Story Project is the brainchild of Jonason Pauley and Jesse Perrotta, two friends from Arizona whose dream is to get hired by Disney‘s 3D animation studio, Pixar. Their dream is hardly unique. Pixar receives thousands of applications every year. But Jonason and Jesse did something very epic that definitely got them noticed by Pixar. They spent 2-years creating a full-length, shot-by-shot remake of Disney’s Toy Story using stop-motion camera work and toys.
Live Action Toy Story Remake Video
Before uploading the final video to YouTube, Jonason and Jesse tweeted several Pixar executives until they got loose permission to do so. The film debuted on YouTube on Jan. 12, 2013, and went viral instantly getting over 3 million views in just 3 days. A year later the YouTube video, titled “Live Action Toy Story,” currently has over 11 million views.
So looking back a year later, did Jonason and Jesse get hired by Pixar? Sadly no. The closest they came was getting permission to hand out DVDs of their film to Pixar employees in the Pixar parking lot. Somewhat of an anti-climatic ending to their 2-year labor of love.
Do you think Disney/Pixar should have hired Jonason and Jesse? Please tell us in the comments below.
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Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
Grandma in motion
These boys,now men, should have been given a chance to show what they are made of and been hired by Pixar! They have talent that needs to be ” grabbed ” and used!!!
come on Pixar, you should have hired these guys.