The American late-night comedy show, Saturday Night Live (SNL) has a new incredible skit called Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals. The SNL skit features Andy Samberg talking to animals as Mark Wahlberg. The concept might sound a little strange but the skit is hysterical. Samberg is both the perfect sound and look alike to Mark Wahlberg.
Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals: Transcript
Here’s a transcript of the Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals SNL skit:
- Don Pardo: And now: Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals.
- Mark Wahlberg: Hey! I’m Mark Wahlberg. You guys know me. Let’s go talk to some animals. (Walks over to a dog)
- Mark Wahlberg: Hey, dog. How’s it goin’? I like your fur, that looks really great. So you’re a dog, right? What’s that all about? (dog just stares ahead, oblivious) Okay, well it was great to meet you. Say hi to your mother for me, okay? (stands up) Now I’m gonna talk to a donkey.
- (walks over to a donkey and bends down)
- Mark Wahlberg: Hey, donkey. What’s goin’ on? You’re a donkey, I like that. You eat apples, right? I produce Entourage. (Donkey just stares ahead, oblivious) Okay, talk to you later, donkey. (Stands up) Now I’m gonna talk to a chicken. (Walks over to a chicken on top of a crate)
- Mark Wahlberg: Hey, chicken. How’s it hangin’? A lot of people wanna eat you, but I just wanna talk to you, okay? We should do a film together, whaddya think? (chicken looks around uninterested) Hey, chicken, I’m not joking around, okay? This is the real thing, I mean this could be huge! (chicken continues to look uninterested) All right, well, think about it. Say hi to your mother for me, alright? Now I’m gonna talk to a goat. (Walks over and squats next to a goat)
- Mark Wahlberg: Hey, goat. It’s good to see you. I like your beard. I had a beard like that in The Perfect Storm. Did you see that movie? (Goat stares ahead oblivious) Did ya, did ya see The Perfect Storm, goat? (Goat still stares ahead blankly) Say hi to your mother for me, okay?
- Don Pardo: This has been: Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals.
Mark Wahlberg Hates This SNL Skit

Mark Wahlberg isn’t a big fan of the “Mark Wahlberg Talks To Animals” skit. He had this to say in a NY Post interview he did while promoting the movie Max Payne:
“Someone showed it to me on YouTube. It wasn’t like Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin, that’s for sure. And “Saturday Night Live” hasn’t been funny for a long time. They’ve asked me to do the show a ton of times. I used to watch it when Eddie Murphy was there and Joe Piscopo and Bill Murray. I don’t even know who’s on the show now.”
Wahlberg also threatened to slap Samberg when he was a guest on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. But everything all worked out in the end. Wahlberg came on SNL to do his own version of Samberg’s imitation of himself a week later.
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- More Cowbell – Remembering The Famous SNL Skit
- The Somewhat Complete History of Animation and Saturday Night Live

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