iTunes Now Accepts PayPal – Celebrate With 5 Free Songs!!
To celebrate the new iTunes PayPal partnership, Apple is giving away 2.5 million songs to customers who connect their PayPal accounts to iTunes.
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To celebrate the new iTunes PayPal partnership, Apple is giving away 2.5 million songs to customers who connect their PayPal accounts to iTunes.
For many parents, there is no way getting around it: Their kids must have an iPod this year. Some schools like Brearley are even requiring it! The 20-gigabyte iPod required by the school sells for $299 at stores but was made available to students for $269 through Brearley with Apple’s education discount. Though the discounts …
O’Ryan, the velvety-voiced heir apparent to Usher’s R&B kingdom, has released his self-titled debut album. The iTunes Free Single, “Jus Anotha Shorty,” is a grinding proclamation of love showcasing O’Ryan’s slick vocals skills. The up-and-comer nods to “Frontin'” from Pharrell and Jay-Z in the chorus and counts his brothers, Marques Houston and Omarion, as influences. …
“Rumors are circulating that during Steve Jobs’ keynote at Macworld on January 11, Apple will announce that it has signed a deal with one of the satellite radio companies, Sirius, to market iPods that can receive and record that company’s satellite broadcasts.” [Via] iPod with Satellite Radio! Although a combination of technologies would be …
The new findings boasted that brand maturity is something of non-relevance. Simply because over 79% age 12 and older knew of Napster or have even used the legal downloading music service. More than half knew of or used Apple’s iTunes Music Store, another brand strong identifier in the still youthful digital music market. This goes …
Artists are looking at file-sharing technology as a new way to reach their fans.
Five years later, now heading San Francisco-based Snocap Inc., Fanning is touting a new technology designed to help the music companies who once sued him into submission cash in on file-sharing between computer users, also known as peer-to-peer. Shawn Fanning is once again trying to force the old corporate brains in the music industry to …
Thinking about getting a free iPod from Think again. You will pay for that iPod for years to come by giving up your personal information to spammers.
Songs in the Canadian version of iTunes sell for $0.99 Canadian cents, or about $0.83 U.S. That's 16% cheaper than the American iTunes.
The new Sony Walkman NW-HD1 comes in five colors, plays 2.5 times longer on one battery charge than iPod's 12 hours, and can contain 10,000 to 13,000 songs, at least twice as many as an iPod because of ATRAC's better compression technology. But will consumers embrace it?
Oh no! Looks like the sh*t has hit Kazaa. According to Tony Bannon, an attorney for the music industry at the Kazaa trial currently taking place in Australia, “Kazaa is an engine of copyright piracy to a degree of a magnitude never before seen.” Bannon made this statement during Monday’s start of the Australian trial …
Ladies, do you find most sex toys to be intimidating? Do you love the iPod? If you answered yes to both questions, then the iBod might be for you. The vibrator sex toy connects to your iPod and uses your music to create vibrations. “Many of the vibrators that are on the market today are …
Financial analysis firm Piper Jaffray has concluded that computer users are switching to Macs from PCs. Apparently the success of the iPod is the inspiration for this new wave of switchers. These numbers, though small, reflect that people are realizing the quality and good product design of other Apple products like the iMac. Once exposed …
“If the Mac rumor sites are correct, there may be an asteroid headed straight for San Francisco.” [Via CNet] What is likely to srping up at the soon-to-come MacWorld Expo? Rumors and speculation are floating abuzz that Apple is planning a major add-on that will allow music creators/editors the ability to quickly and painlessly plug-in …
A new controversial video game is being released today in connection with the 41st anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. The game, called JFK Reloaded, recreates the events surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas.
Apple’s London store is only hours away from its grand opening, but European consumers looking to get their hands on an iPod might be disappointed. Apple products are already expensive, but Apple’s prices outside the United States are even higher. Apple has once again expanded its retail division and this time on the other side …
Shock jock Howard Stern was in Union Square in New York City handing out FREE(Amazon link) SIRIUS radios on Thursday to a crowd of thousands. Only 500 radios and a free one-year subscription were handed out personally by Stern among a throng of Scores girls and other Stern Show personalities. Truly devoted fans who were …