Television has changed. It used to be that TV producers were interested only in one medium: Their own. But they’ve learned something from their brand sponsors, and are now promoting hit shows with online games.
For example, NBC’s “Today” show has created a micro site and contest for its popular annual feature, “Where in the World is Matt Lauer?” and is backing it with a $500,000 marketing budget. Even better, it has sold a $2.5 million sponsorship to Hyundai.
“What we have here is a seven-year-old franchise that we know resonates with our audience,” says Frank Radice, senior vice president, NBC Agency, the
network’s in-house agency.
But the network had never done anything “really high end” on the Internet to promote the show, which follows co-anchor Lauer to exotic places, Radice says.
“This year, I thought that to reinvigorate the brand would be to reinvigorate
it online,” he adds.
What is Hyundai getting for its money? Prominent placement, including a banner ad. And it also gets to place a pair of keys on Lauer’s virtual desk.
Lauer’s online desk includes a passport, iPod, coffee cup and keyboard.
But they’re not just there for show. Each item is linked to content related
to the program—the visitor only has to click through.
[Via Promo Magazine]
Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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