Steal these easy Call Of Duty Mobile tips and tricks to help improve your kill count and overall game rankings.
Most of the Call Of Duty Mobile tips articles online are just basic overviews or have lame advice like learn the maps. So we decided to create an original list of Call Of Duty Mobile tips and tricks to help improve your gameplay.
Steal These Call Of Duty Mobile Tips And Tricks ... #CallOfDutyMobile #CODM #CallOfDuty #CODlife Share on XUse The “Ghost Toy” Spraypaint Pattern As a Decoy: Multiplayer Pre-Match

This is one of my favorite Call Of Duty Mobile tips and tricks. Before a Multiplayer match starts, you usually have a little Pre-Match wait time. Most players will sit and wait for the game to start. Others will race to the enemy starting position and harass them with emote dances, grenades, and gunfire. Instead of wasting your time harassing the enemy team, why not do something that might give you an advantage?
Did you know that when you spray paint a wall before a Cal Of Duty Mobile game starts, it will stay on the map during the match? I like to use the “Spray – Ghost Toy” as a decoy.

The “Ghost Toy” design features a red and camouflage jack-in-the-box image that, for a split second, looks very close to an opponent player. I’ll strategically place my graffiti somewhere near a good camping spot. Often, other players will mistake the “Ghost Toy” design as an enemy player and shoot at it. I’ve even faked out myself before.
In my Call Of Duty Mobile matches, this simple trick has helped me earn countless kills. While an enemy player is shooting at my spray paint, I’ll take an easy kill for myself.
Hide Your Trip Mine In Unique Places: Multiplayer

Trip mines are a great way to prevent someone from sneaking up behind you or securing an objective like planting a bomb in Search & Destroy. When an enemy gets too close, the Trip Mine will pop up and explode. But Trip Mines are also easy to spot, especially if you drop them in the middle of the ground. Even worse, they are worth 20+ points if someone from the other team finds one and destroys it.
Try to plant your Trip Mine, where your opponents won’t expect them. Some of my favorite spots are corners, ceilings, or even imitating things like doorknobs (see image for an example). Your opponents won’t expect them to be in these places, and they are a lot harder to spot.
Play Using The Low Graphics Quality Setting: All Game Modes

The Call Of Duty Mobile game developers put a lot of time into creating realistic graphics and incredible gameplay action. But if you want another winning advantage, then go to the settings screen and reduce your graphic quality to the lowest setting possible. Doing this will give you two benefits:
- The lower graphics quality setting will help reduce lag and improve gameplay performance.
- It will make your enemies easier to see. Removing some of the textures and shadows makes enemy players more noticeable.
Use Scorestreaks That Earn Kills And Allow You To Keep Fighting: Multiplayer

Everyone has their personal preferences when it comes to Scorestreaks. But one way to maximize your kills is to keep fighting while your Scorestreaks are attacking too. Scorestreaks like the Hunter Killer Drone and Stealth Chopper allow you to activate them and keep fighting. It’s an excellent strategy to help you earn as many kills as possible.
Some Scorestreaks just aren’t worth the trouble. For example, the Care Package is too risky and time-consuming. You’ll waste a lot of game time throwing the smoke grenade, waiting for the chopper, and then retrieving your Care Package. And your reward might only be a UAV.
The only exceptions, in my opinion, are the VTOL and Goliath. These two powerful scorestreaks are worth your time controlling them.
Changing Your VTOL Position & Missle Bursts: Multiplayer
This is one of my favorite Call Of Duty Mobile tips and tricks. It’s surprising how many experienced Call Of Duty Mobile players don’t realize that the VTOL scorestreak has two more buttons beside the primary fire button: Change Position and Missle Burst.
- Change Position: Look for a refresh icon on the bottom left. Tapping this will change the position of the VTOL. It’s a convenient option if you have a lot of opponents hiding in a building that you can’t reach from your current angle.
- Missle Bursts: In addition to the regular cannon fire, the VTOL also has a missile burst option. Just look for a button on the right side of the screen to shoot several missiles at the same time. Use this option carefully because it takes several moments to reload.
Close The Door Behind You: Battle Royal

Whenever possible, always close the door behind you after you enter a building. Your opponent will be more alert if they see an opened door. It’s a signal that someone has been there and may already be inside. So when you close the door after you enter a building, then you might give your opponents a false sense of security. If you’re lucky, they will rush inside and into your trap.
This Call Of Duty Mobile tip is especially important toward the end of the match in Battle Royal. Try to find a building inside the safe zone where you can hide upstairs, like a guard tower. Close the door after you enter and keep your gun sight aimed down the staircase. If you’re lucky, you might get an easy kill from an unsuspecting opponent that thought the building was empty.
Use Your Scorestreaks While Standing Inside A Bonus Point Area: Multiplayer
When you get a kill while inside a Hardpoint or Domination position, you earn extra points. So try to throw your Hunter Killer Drone, or even better, pilot a VTOL, while inside a Domination circle or Hardpoint. An experienced VTOL pilot should be able to earn enough points to gain another VTOL scorestreak. Keep the cycle going for a quick win.
Don’t Parachute Into Popular Towns: Call Of Duty Battle Royal Tips And Tricks

Explore the map areas in Battle Royal and look for areas with buildings near towns, but not in towns. These areas will have gear and weapons, but usually not very many enemies. Landing in areas with less competition will give you time to stock up before you engage in any serious combat.
Here are some of the worst spots to land in Battle Royal and why you should avoid them.
- Countdown: Limited cover and too popular.
- Farm: Is it me, or do the supplies and weapons options suck at the Farm?
- Isolated HQ (aka The Floating Base): The Floating Base is a deathtrap. Too many Jump Leaders drag their teams here at the beginning of the game and immediately get wiped out. It’s worth exploring but not right away. Find a helicopter and visit the Floating Base after the first safe zone shrinks.
Some of the best places to land when playing Battle Royal:
- Circus & Nearby Homes: Circus usually isn’t too popular. Sometimes holiday-related goodies, like Santa’s sleigh and Easter Eggs, get placed at Circus. So if it is crowded, jump off the cliffs to the west of Circus and explore the nearby houses. There are two clusters of houses Northwest and South of Circus and they are usually well-stocked.
- South Docks: The South docks are just below the main road that runs through the middle of the Docks. Most jump leaders will land in the Northern part of the Docks. The South Docks get overlooked, but they have good weapons, have a helicopter, and are near a Chip Terminal.
Thanks For Reading Our Call Of Duty Mobile Tips And Tricks Article! Please Add METHODSHOPCOM As A Friend.

Thanks for reading our list of Call Of Duty Mobile tips and tricks. If you have additional tips or feedback, then leave a note in the comments. And please add METHODSHOPCOM as a friend. We’d love to join you in battle anytime.
Call Of Duty Mobile Tips And Tricks (Easy Tips That Will Improve Your Gameplay) #CallOfDutyMobile #CallOfDutyLife Share on X
Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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