Ready for another change from Facebook? No? Too bad, it’s here and this time it’s the layout of your profile page.
The key thing you’ll notice is that a little summary of your life (jobs, schools, location, hometown, birthday etc.) is now directly under your name along with some recent photos you’ve been tagged in, so friends can see what you’ve been up to lately. Tabs have been replaced with navigation of sections just underneath your profile photo. And that little box encouraging me to write something? Gone, with anything you had in it moved to your About section.
I haven’t spent too much time in the new layout yet, but the reorganization seems to have cleared some clutter and given visitors access to the most pertinent information without too much digging into your profile. Privacy options have not changed so any information you’ve hidden from untrustworthy eyes will stay that way. The one disadvantage (and this might only just be me) is that advertising seems to have widened and become even more invasive.
If you haven’t already been prompted to upgrade, just login to your account and click here for a summary of all new changes and a video introduction. Once upgraded,(Amazon link) Facebook offers a tour walking you through the new profile. What do you think?
Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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