Interview with a guy who is not only still using the original, first-generation iPhone, but he doesn’t plan to upgrade anytime soon.
While a large number of people anxiously await the arrival of the latest and greatest smartphone, we found a guy who is not only still using the original, first-generation iPhone, and he doesn’t plan to upgrade anytime soon. We caught up with David, a 35-year-old Physical Therapist living in New York, fascinated as to what makes him loyal to the original, knowing the advancements that continue to be made the 5+ years since the iPhone was introduced.
Tell us you’ve at least been offered the opportunity to upgrade your first generation iPhone?
David: I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m content with my phone. Although I can’t multitask or ask Siri a question, I have Internet access, an iPod, camera, calendar, map, notes, and a dozen or so apps, including Skype, Shazam, Facebook, Pandora, Yelp, YouTube and several games. And yes, I’ve been offered a new phone. My girlfriend even bought me an iPhone gift card two years ago, but I used it for headphones instead.
What is it about the iPhone 1G that has made you want to keep it so long?
David: I like having the original. Also, the changes that have been made to every subsequent version have not deemed my phone obsolete.
Yet, there are so many apps you can’t download without having iOS 5 or higher. Isn’t it frustrating that most app developers and Apple no longer care or fully support the iPhone 1G?
David: Regarding apps that is true, but I’m still not compelled to upgrade. I believe the original iPhone is capable of operating the way that the newer models do, so I remain hopeful that Apple will present an update to enhance its performance. I believe the apps I’m unable to download can conceptually work on my phone, but I understand the lack of effort in developing for the 1st generation.
Well, it must be quite a conversation starter when people discover your retro smartphone?
David: Oh yes, I’ve had quite a few people ask me about it, and someone even offered to purchase it off me. But they didn’t offer me thousands of dollars like the unopened iPhone someone posted on eBay recently.
So there you have it, folks. When Apple eventually announces the iPhone 5, one fan will remain unfazed by this news, perhaps immune to advancing technology and, therefore won’t be standing in line with the rest of you. A guy who is content with what he has because the reality is, it isn’t broke.
What about you? Are you still using an “old” piece of technology in your everyday life? Tell us about it below in the comments! Your story might inspire us to write about you. For example, we recently blogged about creative uses for a 1G iPad.
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That’s actually pretty cool, good on him
i had an iphone3g i bought off craigslist but it already was in pretty bad shape from the previous owner that the power/sleep button stopped working after having it work when it felt like, the volume and mute buttons came completely off when i was last able to use it, i used it as a camera as my phone at the time i personally thought it took crappy pics then after keeping it for so long while i couldnt do anything with it i threw it away while im sure someone probably would have got it fixed and used it but personally i love to keep up with the times so i’m now a proud owner of a sgs3 and my only idevice is a 1G iPad which works just fine with 5.1.1 however i am disappointed that you can’t have custom IOS versions like you can android version, so im sure if possible to do so all old iDevices would have iOS6 by now, that any many other reasons leave me sticking to android. no point in gettin the iphone 5 knowing sooner or later i’ll stop getting updates. 😛
failed to mention the iPad was given to me so i really cant complain.