Are you feeling the crunch? That feeling you might be getting when you pull into a gas station? But what do you d0 – you need to meet with those clients, and get your work done.
In the last few months, gas has climbed higher and faster than it ever has before. In some areas, gas is priced at close to $5 a gallon. In Denver, Colorado, prices jumped 62 cents a gallon in the month of March.
People complain about gas prices, but they still have to work. As an independent contract worker, I use my vehicle to get to meetings and get work done. Nowadays, I work in schedules, so I know where I am going, and try to make multiple trips in one shot. Being organized in driving is a pain, but there are some advantages.
I have also found my internet and phone get more of a workout. If I can do something over email or the phone, it saves me on time and travel. I have also found some great programs that help me keep my business going without having to travel.
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