Is a weak arm or physical stamina keeping you from taking your Nintendo Wii gaming experience to the next level? Perhaps you should look into buying a(Amazon link) Nintendo Wii Nunchuk Controller (often misspelled as Wii Nunchuck with an extra “c”). This Nintendo accessory adds even more innovation to the next generation of gaming and helps enhance your physical movement.
How The Wii Remote And Wii Nunchuk Are Adding Physical Motion To The Next Generation Of Gaming
Contoured to perfectly fit a player’s hand, the Wii Nunchuk controller builds on the simplicity of the(Amazon link) Nintendo Wii Remote controller. The Wii Nunchuk contains the same motion-sensing technology enabled in the Wii Remote but also includes an analog stick to help assist in character movement.
The Nintendo Wii Nunchuk Controller And Physical Coordination
The analog stick in the Wii Nunchuk can be a godsend if you feel like physical coordination is keeping you from your optimum gaming performance. For example, watch this Crazy Girl on Wii video from YouTube.
Using Both The Wii Remote And Wii Nunchuk At The Same Time
Many games will allow you to control your character’s movement with the Wii Nunchuk controller in your left hand, while your right hand is free to execute the action movements with the Wii Remote. For example, the Wii Nunchuk comes in extremely handy for games like(Amazon link) Wii Boxing. You can use the Wii Nunchuk to hit with your weaker hand, while you use the Wii Remote to punch and jab with your primary hand. Hardcore gamers may even want to use two Nunchuk controllers to gain a competitive edge.
All Wii Controllers Are Ambidextrous
Would you rather use the Nunchuk controller in your right hand? No problem. Because the(Amazon link) Wii Remote and Wii Nunchuk controllers are only relatively dependent on each other, players are free to hold them in whichever hand is most comfortable. The ambidextrous nature of the Wii controllers grants accessibility seldom seen in previous game controllers.
How The Wii Nunchuk Controller Gets Its Power
Also, the(Amazon link) Nunchuk controller doesn’t need its own power – it plugs into the Wii Remote controller when it’s in use. So there’s no worry about charging up or expensive batteries.
Nintendo Wii Injuries Are On The Rise
Adding a Nunchuk to your Nintendo Wii system will definitely help you open the doors to the next level of gaming. Just be careful you don’t accidentally smack your wife or punch your dog while using your Wii controllers like these guys.
Seriously. According to a December 2006 Wall Street Journal article (subscription required), gamers are finding that the Nintendo Wii can be a real pain in the neck… back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, etc.
Since the Nintendo Wii console debuted in mid-November 2006,(Amazon link) Nintendo Wii owners have been complaining of aching backs, sore shoulders, and even something now called “Wii elbow.” Here are a couple of WSJ quotes from Nintendo Wii owners:
Blaine Stuart of Rochester, New York, mistakenly whacked his fiancee, Shelly Haefele, while playing tennis and also accidentally hit his dog while bowling despite the message Nintendo flashes up on the screen before each game which says: “Make sure there are no people or objects around you that you might bump into while playing.”
Ryan Mercer, a customs broker in Indianapolis, lifts weights several times a week. But that hasn’t helped much with the Wii. After playing the boxing game for an hour and a half, his arms, shoulders and torso were aching. “I was soaking wet with sweat, head to toe — I had to go take a shower,” he says. And the next morning? “I had trouble putting my shirt on,” says the 21-year-old avid gamer.
So what do the doctors think about all this? Lana Kang, an orthopedic hand surgeon, had this piece of advice, “It’s just like athletic play… Stretch out and be sure to take care of any injuries afterward.”
With the rate of obese children skyrocketing worldwide, you’d think people would be congratulating Nintendo for combining gaming and exercise, not complaining. Oh well. Grab another Big Mac and wait for the next generation of gaming consoles to come out. Maybe they’ll feature ‘mind control ‘ so you don’t even have to lift a finger to play.
Related Articles:
- The Entire Nintendo Mario Game Series In Chronological Order
- Creepy ENJOY YOUR MASSAGE Video Game For The Nintendo Wii
- The True Purpose Of The Nintendo Wii
- How To Make and Share Celebrity Mii’s On The Nintendo Wii

Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
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