Mozilla Sends Internet Explorer Team a Firefox Cake (2012)
Microsoft famously sent the Firefox 3 development team in 2008. Now Firefox is returning the favor with a giant Firefox cake.
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Microsoft famously sent the Firefox 3 development team in 2008. Now Firefox is returning the favor with a giant Firefox cake.
Facebook has more users than Twitter... but are teens leaving Facebook for Twitter? Several indicators say yes.
One of my favorite new apps that use the Foursquare API is Fourstalgia. It’s a very cool hack project built by Jon Hoffman @hoffrocket, an engineer at Foursquare. After you connect the Fourstalgia app to your Foursquare account, each time you check-in, you’ll get to see local historical photos via SepiaTown, a crowdsourced database of historical photos. A …
Poor Tim Cook. The iPhone 5 is a fantastic product that has even impressed hardcore Android fanboys. But the Apple Maps debacle will take some time for everyone to get past. Case in point, here’s a picture of a “mapping car” that crashed. Is it actually an Apple Maps car? Who knows. But we bet you laughed …
If you ignore Apple‘s fumble with the Apple Maps app, then their latest mobile operations system, iOS 6, had 200+ great improvements and was well received. However, iOS 6 has a dirty little secret… it doesn’t work on the iPad 1. Unfortunately, this means that your 1G iPad will become little more than an expensive paperweight as new apps and …
Actress Abigail Breslin from Little Miss Sunshine joins Teddy Watson's new indie band, Stargroves, to sing vocals on the single "Westfjords."
Apple CEO, Tim Cook, published an open letter to customers yesterday addressing the criticism over the Apple Maps app in iOS 6.
Are you excited about the other iPod models or the new ear buds? Or was yesterday all about the iPhone 5?
Well what do you know, the iPhone 5 rumors were right! This afternoon Apple CEO, Tim Cook, announced the new iPhone, called the iPhone 5. Here’s a rundown of the good, the bad and the ugly: The Good The Bad The Ugly The iPhone 5 will officially be released September 21. Apple will start accepting pre-orders for …
It can’t be easy following in Steve Jobs‘ footsteps. Next month marks both the one year anniversary of Steve Jobs’ passing and Tim Cook‘s time as CEO of Apple… without being under Steve’s wing. Although Tim Cook has certainly done an amazing job as CEO (the stock has basically doubled this year), the few times that …
Fresh off the heels of its legal victory over Samsung last week, Apple named 8 Samsung smartphones yesterday that it wants pulled from stores and banned in the United States. The legal verdict, which awarded Apple $1 billion after a jury found that Samsung infringed on 6 Apple patents, sent shockwaves throughout the mobile phone industry. …
Interview with a guy who is not only still using the original, first-generation iPhone, but he doesn't plan to upgrade anytime soon.
Are you a Blackberry owner with iPhone envy? Don’t worry, you can get the best of both worlds – Keep your Blackberry keyboard, but get the look and feel of the iPhone with the FREE bPhone for BlackBerry theme. It reskins all your Blackberry icons with iPhone icons and even replaces the hourglass with the OS X spinning beach ball. You can install the bPhone theme here if you are …
Good news for Amazon Prime members. The Amazon Instant Video app is now on iPad. The app features thousands of TV shows and films.
Nowadays it seems like everyone and their grandmother is creating some sort of app. Angry Birds, Draw Something and other popular smart phone and tablet games have exploded with popularity. Everyone wants a piece of the App economy including reader, Joe Zito (@joseph_zito). Zito is a filmmaker in waiting… and while he waits, he is determined not …
In Angry Birds Space, the birds fly differently in zero-gravity. NASA astronaut Don Pettit explains why and offers some tips to gamers.
Apple is facing threats on all sides including Spotify, Amazon's online music store and the Android marketplace. Here's how the new iTunes 11 will help Apple stay on top.