Watch Humanity Get Destroyed In The Scary Movie 4 iPod Scene
Not only has Dimension Films, the movie studio behind the Scary Movie franchise created a Scary Movie podcast, but there's also a Scary Movie 4 iPod scene in their latest film.
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Not only has Dimension Films, the movie studio behind the Scary Movie franchise created a Scary Movie podcast, but there's also a Scary Movie 4 iPod scene in their latest film.
VH1 launched original video podcasts from some of its popular programs, including Best Week Ever, Best Week Ever Daily, Best of VH1 and Flavor of Love.
MSNBC buys biggest blog advertising campaign in history to promote a day of special Internet related TV programming called "Digital Day".
The song featured in the debut iPod Nano commercial is "Gimme That" by The Resource.
Unless you are a crazed video game nut or live in the U.K., you probably haven’t even heard of the controversial gadget called the Gizmondo. It’s a lima bean-shaped competitor to the Sony PSP handheld except it has more features and is currently only available in the United Kingdom. The Gizmondo is an all-in-one gadget. …
All those lonely guys sitting in their basements making podcasts are absolutely crazy - - and absolutely right. NBC News announced today that they will be joining the world of podcasting. Select portions of its network and cable news programming via podcast beginning next month.
If you were one of the millions of people who found a winning Pepsi iTunes bottle cap, then listen up: time is running out. You must not only enter the cap codes in iTunes but also use them to buy songs by the end of today! Unused codes will simply disappear from your iTunes account. Pepsi …
The only ad that had people talking the next day was the GoDaddy Super Bowl commercial featuring model and WWE diva Candice Michelle.
Pepsi and Apple are giving away 100 million song codes under bottle caps. Here's how to hack the Pepsi iTunes promotion and get a free song every time.
Apple has done it again folks! They are giving away lots of music! Here's everything you need to know about the new Pepsi iTunes free song giveaway.
It looks like our days of skipping commercials on TiVo may be coming to an end. According to TiVo, by March 2005, TiVo viewers will now see “billboards,” or small freeze-frames of ads, popping up as they fast-forward through TV commercials. Additionally, if a viewer selects the ad, TiVo will then share the user’s contact …
U2's new single "Vertigo" was first heard in an iPod commercial, marking the first time the band has licensed their music for commercial use, and highlighting the potential of digital music distribution and marketing.
HUMMER's 3D TV commercial features the song "Vermillion" by Jimmy LaValle's San Diego indie-electronic band, The Album Leaf. You can watch the HUMMER commercial here.
Apple Computer launched a new ad U2 iTunes ad campaign featuring U2's new single "Vertigo" which is exclusively available on iTunes.
Here's the legendary Will Ferrell Apple "Switch" ad which was shown to audiences at the 2002 MacWorld Expo in New York City.
Errol Morris, the famous documentary filmmaker who produced Apple's well-known series of ads about discontented PC users who switched to Macs, had a similar idea on how to reach undecided American voters.
Did you know that FOX television banned a Super Bowl commercial because of a fart? Here's a clip of the banned Smart Beep commercial.