Today SayWear announced the first online T-shirt sayings registry and e-commerce site. SayWear enables consumers to register their unique saying and own the one-of-a-kind T-shirt bearing that saying. Users can then purchase that saying on a shirt. According to the site, the first saying purchased by a customer was “Sh!t Happens”.

From SayWear’s about page:
“It takes courage to wear your words. That’s why we created SayWear. SayWear is mass-uniqueness, in a mass-market world. Our customers buy our products because they feel they have something unique to say. Some say funny, clever, or insightful things. Some say mean, nasty or not-so-nice things. Others say things about the world we live in. Some simply say things about themselves. Some remind us of wisdom spoken by others. While some seek that million-dollar phrase. For the most part, our customer is you. And to us, what you choose to say is up to you. All we ask is that when you say it, wear it well.”
The Team Behind SayWear
A lot of people were involved in the creation of SayWear. The company is supported by Vincita Private Capital.
- CEO: Shawn-Jeason
- Inspiration: Robin Heckenlively
- Concept & User Interface Design: Shawn Hopwood
- Bounce-er-off-er: John Alfano
- Manufacturing & Quality Control: Lo-Fi Mike
- Backend database design & programming: Asher Blum
- HTML Wrangling: Chris Koehler
- Tweaks and revisions: David Ritche
- Q&A: John Alfano, Darryl Davis, Joe Greco, Sergio Penazola, Reggie Thomas
- Marketing Support: Halili Knox, Michael Deflorimonte
- Legal: Theo Oliphant (DLA Piper Rudnick)
Is SayWear Too Expensive?
We love SayWear’s business model. But the pricing doesn’t make sense. Charging $30+ per shirt is too expensive. You can go to any printing shop and have a t-shirt made with whatever text or image you want for less than that. Unless they pivot their business model, we don’t think SayWear will last very long.
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Frank Wilson is a retired teacher with over 30 years of combined experience in the education, small business technology, and real estate business. He now blogs as a hobby and spends most days tinkering with old computers. Wilson is passionate about tech, enjoys fishing, and loves drinking beer.
i ordered a shirt from these guys years ago. “born free” i think. i still have the shirt in my basement somewhere.
i ordered a shirt from these guys years ago. “born free” i think. i still have the shirt in my basement somewhere.